Monday 12 March 2012

No use crying over critical reflection!

I theme my journal entries with a song that would underscore the writing to set the mood, last nights entry was Under Attack by Abba. Does anyone else struggle with critical reflection?

Every time I post a blog, there is always a feeling of anxiety after. I thought about it, it's not that I'm trying to get it 'right' or scared about getting it 'wrong', as like most now know, neither can be achieved. There is no right or wrong, there just is. However, it's the idea that I have publicly voiced my work, which is apart of me and now it's subject to judgement or critical reflection - are they even the same thing?

When the criticism comes back, I instantly take it to heart. I have learnt a good use for my journal in this, I use it as a place to go and get all my initial emotional garbage out of my system, then reflect on what I'm thinking and go back to the comment. This way I can eradicate any personal tone from the reply and maintain a professional voice. Will there come a time when I don't have to go through the process of removing my emotions? I seem to see it as a personal attack at first, why is this my primordial reaction to critical reflection?

In my search of how the rest of the world feels about this I found a website...

The link provides helpful tips on dealing with critical reflection. Looks like I'll be needing it, my work on reflective practice is still to be done, but then is it ever. The answer is of course no.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Thanks for the link Ahmet - I've just seen the topic headlines...I'm going back in!:-)
